Unit 1-Who are you?

New Questions

  1. What is your best friend's name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. When is your birthday?
  4. What is your sign?
  5. What is your major?

If you are ready, then let's begin.

What is your best friend's name?

John: That is easy. That's my wife.

Mike: Best friend? I guess that would be George.

Sally: That's easy. Nancy.

Naomi: I many good friends, but I don't have a best friend.

Who is married?

John is. Mike is. Sally is. Naomi is.

How do you get to school?

John: I come by car.

Mike: I ride my bike to the station and take the train.

Sally: I walk. It's only about five minutes

Naomi: I get a ride with my boyfriend.

Who lives closest to the school?

John does. Mike does. Sally does. Naomi does.

Question 3

Question 4

This is the last slide.